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About the Author Ron Stultz


Ron Stultz. Born at beginning of “baby boom” (old), glasses started in 1st grade (trifocals). Eagle Scout, Red Cross certified pool life guard, Virginia Military Institute Electrical Engineer (BSEE), 1st Lieutenant U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery, stationed in South Korea for 11 months. Volunteer: BSA, swim team, neighborhood repairs. 

Out of college and into the defense industry around Washington, D.C. as computer hardware and then software designer. Classified systems which, took me all over the United States for the Army, Air Force and the Navy. Specialty was the hardware and software design of special interfaces.  Worked for 4 years as director of  International Data Corporation (IDC) Federal Information Service before retiring in 1992.

Reading: did not grow up reading many books  (Tom Swift series) or comics but picked up the passion in college. Classics like “1984”, “2001: A Space Odyssey”, “Animal Farm”, O’Henry, John Updike and for the last 20 years or so, have read all Pulitzer Prize winning novels and all science fiction, Nebula award, winners. Reading comes and goes with “The Sympathizer” one of the most recent and outstanding its ability to evoke.

Writing: first piece, “Satori”, for literary magazine in college. Then told if I wanted to be exact in my thoughts on anything, had to word it, had to write it down. Over the years the driver behind writing was some emotional quandary, resulting in poem style or a rambling narrative. Writing has always been spontaneous. If nothing there, can’t force it to happen.

Believe strongly in “sharing”. More information is better than less. Years ago created a website that evolved into sections of my do-it-yourself tutorials, some of my writings, photography and many of my doodles. Website has helped a lot of folks save time and money by understanding something they own and how to repair it themselves.

From website moved to YouTube. Again more tutorials on repairs as well as random muses about various.

Sharing: In 2024, idea of creating a book of some of my many writings came to mind. Not sure what the parameters are that make up the book-action equation. Certainly ego, perhaps legacy but very sure “sharing” is the parameter with the most influence. Just sharing, as so many things in this life are do-it-yourself as there is very little talk about many things and we never taught.

Fun?  In therapy for years and always asked, “What do you do for fun?”  As then, as now: learning. Cannot help myself, from looking up the meaning of words I do not know to lectures on cosmology or a study on poverty by various demographics.

Just some joy: in learning and sharing.