"Latex-ite Driveway Sealer - User Review"

 By Ron Stultz

7 Jan 2012

Updated: 13 Nov 2012


Summary: OK, could have been me (driveway not clean enough or did not stir can contents enough or often enough) but this stuff is blowing off driveway when a leaf blower is used. Not recommended.



Asphalt driveway 10 foot (ft) wide, 100 ft long with 15ft X 30ft adjacent add-on.

Looked at driveway sealers at Home Depot and decided to use Latex-ite because a paint roller could be used to apply versus a push broom or mop as required by other sealers.

Printed on Latex-ite can is 10 year guarantee, which is better than any other sealer.

I did no special surface prep other than to blow off driveway with leaf blower. Think water washing is recommended.


My experiences:

The plastic can: opening my first plastic can was a bear. Have finally found, best to use your fingers to pull up right where the plastic ring tear-off is located and then slowly lift up in the middle of adjacent "tabs". I am not sure a woman could open the plastic can on her own and no slam intended towards women. Just know my wife could not do it.

Application roller: use a 6 inch long roller applicator. A 6 inch roller applicator fits neatly inside the plastic bucket.

Roller: directions on can say to use a 6 inch roller with a 3/4 inch nap. Did not know that rollers were defined by nap but they are.

Roller quality: at my local Home Depot, 2 different qualities and thus prices for 6 in long, 3/4 inch nap rollers. I have now used both and the more expensive roller just lasts long and to me, is worth the extra money.

Number of rollers needed per can: if you are going to use a whole can, going to need 3 cheap rollers or 1, maybe 2 more expensive rollers. Asphalt just wears out the nap.

Latex-ite stirring initially: as defined on can, contents must be stirred thoroughly. Upon opening, most of the real stuff is on the bottom of the can but with a strong stir for several minutes, specifically, stirring up the bottom sludge, all the bottom contents will dissolve back into the 2 gallons of liquid. I used a piece of plywood I had that was 3/4inch thick by 2 feet long to do the job. Not sure a plain old paint stir paddle going to do it or it will take longer.

Latex-ite stirring occasionally: the can must be stirred ever 15-30 minutes or the real stuff will sink back down to the bottom of the can on you.

Temperature at application: can says to only apply with temperature 55 degrees or above and that is what I did.

Application: seemed to work best for me to complete submerge the roller into the Latex-ite, pull roller out and let it drip a little and then start rolling on asphalt. A roller full allows you to cover a decent area of asphalt.

Coverage: 2 ways to look at it. Takes me 2 hours of more or less constant work to apply one can. I do apply heavily such that I can not see any unsealed asphalt. The other way to look at it is that I have now used 4 cans to cover the 10ft wide, 100ft long section of driveway for an average coverage of about 27.5square feet per can.

Drying time: can says dry to walk on in 1 hour and totally dry in 4 hours. Both are true.

Spot recoat: although I tried to apply heavily and completely seal asphalt, did have to go back and apply more sealer here and there.

Spotty: can says to do entire job all at once to avoid color differences between cans. That not possible for my larger job and multiple cans but if spotty, I do not notice it.

Color: comes out of the can black and goes on black and seems to stay black.

Durability: 6 months after application, is coming off in various spots and can be removed with a strong leaf blower. Will not use again.