"Sears 3 Bag Grass Catcher - Cover Repair"


By Ron Stultz


Sears 3 Bagger Grass Catcher Cover Repair

Summary: the plastic of the 3 bag grass catcher for the DYS4500 (perhaps other Sears tractors as well) is brittle and can crack. If the cover cracks, can repair with drill and cable ties"



Stewart Tompkins has a Sears DYS4500 and 3 bag grass catcher.

The cover on the bagger cracked right in the center of the cover.

Plastic of bagger to include pipes from mower deck and catcher cover are made of brittle plastic and can and do crack.

In Stewart's case, he was able to repair the cover with a drill and plastic cable ties.



Stewart was able to repair his grass catcher cover but drilling holes in the cover on either side of the crack and then using plastic cable ties to draw the crack together and hold into place.

Image below shows holes and cable ties details across crack on bagger cover.

Plastic cable ties are available at any big box home supply store. Do suggest cable ties, straps that can withstand the sun and heat.

Sears 3 Bagger Grass Catcher Cover Repair Detail

Thanks Stewart for sharing.

Final note: A week after I bought the DYS4500 and 3bag grass catcher the first section of pipe from the deck headed to the catcher cracked along a production seam. I was able to get Sears to replace at store although they did not want to.

To help brittle pipes, I have wrapped all in heavy duty duct tape and have not experienced any cracks since.