“The Day the F. B. of I. Came to Visit”
By Ron Stultz
6 March 2006
From the time I was 8 years old or even younger, I was
interested in electricity and specifically electric circuits and radio. Around
the age of 9 or so, I built my first shortwave radio, which let me listen to
radio stations located around the world. What a mystery, fascination it was for
me to hear the views of other countries on world affairs and also their music
and local programming: Russia, South America, Africa, the BBC or British
Broadcasting Corporation, Chu in Ottawa, Ontario and many, many more.
I am not sure how I learned of it but if you sent a letter to a specific radio
station and defined the date, time and frequency that you heard their station,
perhaps in a month or several months or in one case even a year later, you
would receive a postcard showing the name of the station and a confirmation
that you had in fact heard their station. And the point of collecting the
cards? Really nothing more than a hobby, to collect as many stations from
around the world as possible.
it is easy to forget but from the end of World War II up to the break up of the
Soviet Union, the United States and the Soviet Union were in what was called a
cold war. I am not sure what historians call the high point or low point of the
cold war but certainly for me, it was the Cuban missile crisis. At any rate,
about 6 months before the Cuban missile crisis I sent a letter to Radio Moscow
requesting a confirmation short wave listening (SWL) card. Hardly in no time at
all, not only did I receive a really nice looking card but I also received this
thick packet on Soviet life to include a picture of a stadium of students of
some age all doing exercises together. Other than the card, all else was junk
mail to me, but apparently not to the powers that be.
a week of receiving my packet from the Soviet Union, one day there was a knock
on our front door and outside stood 2 FBI investigators. Invited in, they
wanted to know who was in contact with the Soviet Union and why?
was called into the room by my father and once the 2 agents saw my age, they
really did not need anymore of an explanation but I gave them one anyway and
they left satisfied that I was not a communist agent of some kind.
this day, I do think it interesting that somewhere, somehow, in the United
States, mail was being watched and time and energy was expended to investigate
any potential Soviet agent. Talk about paranoid. I wonder if a file was started
on me at that time and perhaps still exists inside the FBI somewhere?
Luckily, for me, my parents were not upset and my SWL activities continued for many years.