“So Where Are We?”
By Ron Stultz
23 September 2005
So where are we? Pretty basic question actually and not
like “why are we here?” or anything like that but nonetheless, “where are we?”
is still a mystery to me.
Let's see, I think I understand that: we are on this rock
called Earth (70% covered with water, yet called earth?), rotating around a
typical star we call “The Sun”, about midway out one a spur of one of the rotating arms
of a pretty typical spiral galaxy, we call “The Milky Way”, which is “in” an
expanding universe of billions and billions of galaxies. And where is the space
that the universe is expanding into? If I forget about scale, the entire
universe could be only an atom in some larger universe, which is in turn is
only the size of an atom in a still larger universe and so on. Not really an
answer is it? Maybe our universe is only a dust bunny expanding under some
giant’s bed somewhere?
Opps! I forgot there for a moment, there is no space-time
outside the universe. The universe is creating space-time as it expands or so I
am told, which is awfully hard to accept as it goes against my everyday
experiences but if is true that there is nothing outside the universe, I still
have the question of, where is the universe. Shouldn’t it be somewhere? If
Atlas is holding up the world, then who is holding up the universe, God? Could
the universe be like a fertilized human embryo expanding and getting ready to
divide into 2 in some womb somewhere? If I close my eyes, my ability to perceive things at a distance drops
significantly. Perhaps we just do not
have the sensor to “see” what is outside the expanding universe? Either way, using the edge of the expanding
universe, where exactly is our Milky Way in relation to the edge of the
universe? Oh, I know. How about a loaf of bread baking in an oven
analog? I place this lump of dough in a bread pan and place it in the oven
and begin heating it. What does it do, it expands outward in all
directions except that the sides of the pan soon confine the expansion so only
the top continues to expand and expand ever so much more quickly that at the
sides and the whole time, little air packets form inside the bread like so many
galaxies and if I am inside the bread, I can see the edge of the bread at the
top and from where I am, I can see nothing which resembles anything I know. I am bread. What do I know about an oven? I wonder, if I place a
large enough lump of dough in the oven, won't it eventually hit the top of the
oven? I wonder if our universe will eventually expand and run into something,
like the sides of a pan or the top of the oven or whatever.
See why I am so confused as to “where are we?”
In the good film “Contact”, the film opens
with a shot of the earth from space shuttle orbit and in the background, there
is this tangle of audio from all the radio and television signals being
broadcast all over the world but then the camera begins to pull away from the
earth, out through the solar system and still further out away from the spiral
arm we are in until our galaxy begins to recede in the distance. And the whole
time the camera is pulling away, the tangle of radio and television signals get
quieter and quieter as more and more signals have not made it that many light
years out into space. Still the camera continues to pull back until there is no
intelligent radio signal at all from earth and then galaxies begin to come fast
and furious until black out, the edge of the universe. Really is a nice piece
of film making. But point is, if I close my eyes and quiet my mind, I can place
myself out “there” and look back at the earth or our solar system or our sun or
our galaxy because I have an imagination, which allows me to do so.
Planets, hydrogen compressed into fusion reactors, whole
families of stars homing together to form galaxies, galaxies homing to form
clusters of galaxies, what, what if it all is just illusionary? What if all
this: the planets, galaxies, universe is just some sort of imagined thought
stream? We are some chess-type game being played by someone, somewhere else?
Now religion says that God created the heaven and the earth and watches over
his children all the time and perhaps this is the case. We are the thinkings,
the musing of God or a God somewhere or are we simply a simulation model
running in some computer somewhere to see if the parameters of this universe
will result in the desired results? Right now, if the universe is expanding as
“they” say it is and expanding at an ever-increasing rate, eventually this
universe will be nothing but a dark, cold place.
If I close my eyes again and calm my mind and disappear
into the world of the very small, standing there, among atoms, I cannot see me,
do not sense I exist at all. With the space inside an atom and between atoms so
large, perhaps from where I stand, there is nothing outside the edge of my
element, my atom.
Perception. I guess I am winding around and around and
coming up with perception being where we are. The real answer to the question
of “Where are we?” is perception. Perception the same as awareness? Do we
reside in awareness? Does the universe reside in our awareness?
“So, where are we?”